Keep an Eye Out for All of the Following
Mold & Mildew in the Attic
If precipitation makes its way past your roof barrier, then it’s likely that moisture will end up in your attic. If you head up into the attic and can’t identify a leak on its own, look for signs of mold and mildew growth. It’s likely that your attic will smell musty and you may see patches of growth throughout the space. Look for green, black, and white growth throughout your attic. If you notice growth, you may have to have mold remediation performed to ensure that your home is safe (since certain mold can be hazardous), in addition to performing a leak repair.Roof Damage
If you’re comfortable getting on your roof, you can look for signs of roof damage — of course, if you’re not comfortable, we’d be happy to provide a professional inspection. Look for missing shingles, shakes, sheets, or tiles (depending on the roofing material that you have). You may also notice damage. Look for shingles that lack sufficient granules (which help to shed precipitation). Or look for wood shakes or slate tiles that are cracked. You may also have discolored wood shakes, which means that they are nearing the end of their life. Wind may also peel back your roofing material, leaving the underlayment or decking exposed.Flashing Damage
The flashing around your roof should protect some of its most vulnerable areas. Flashing is applied around the corners of your roof, and it protects the edges where protrusions (e.g. your chimney, vents, etc.) crop up through your roof structure. If you have flashing that has failed, it is liable to cause a leak that can pour into your home. Check the protrusions across the surface of your roof, as well as the edges and corners of your roof.Pooling Water
Water should never rest on your roof. If you’re dealing with clogged gutters, ice dams (in winter), or any other blockages on the surface of your roof, then water is liable to pool on the surface, which will enable it to penetrate the subsurface and deck of your roof. Be sure to remove these obstructions to keep water moving away from your roof, down through your gutters, and safely to the ground.Drywall & Paint Damage
Continual leaks and heavy leaks can cause damage to the drywall and paint of the interior of your home. If you have a leak that makes it past your attic, or you don’t have attic space, then a leak may first be noticed due to drywall and paint damage. Look for bubbled out paint, warped drywall, or discoloration, all of which can be caused by leaks from your roof. In these cases, you may need to bring in a roof inspector to locate the source of the leak, since leaks can traverse across the rafters of your home to its walls, far from the origin of the leak.Inspections and Repairs From Red Dog’s
Leaks require immediate attention. We provide immediate service. If you’ve noticed that your roof is no longer up to snuff, we’d be happy to stop by to provide an inspection and repairs. With Red Dog’s Roofing, you can rest assured that your roof will be fixed so that it can provide lasting protection for your home. Get started by giving us a call. We provide roofing services for folks throughout Fitchburg, Leominster, Gardner, and the surrounding area.Tags
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