What if I told you that in business, there was a way to increase customer trust, repeat business, and a way to attract referrals and leads all day long. In your personal life, this also works for improving relationships, positively adding to the lives of others, and just making ourselves feel a little better in the process as well.
There’s a pretty cool concept out there called “The Law of Value”
“People want to be appreciated, not impressed” -John Maxwell
It’s a simple but effective premise: Give more than people expect in value.
“Yeah, but won’t my business go broke doing that?” you may ask… And that’s a great question. You need to shift your perspective of what value is, though. It’s often much more important than money. It could be your time, attention, encouragement, positive attitude, empathy, understanding, reliability, or even just a good laugh. The extra attention paid to a customer is not only pleasing to the customer, but is also beneficial to the business through repeat purchases, overall goodwill, and referrals for new business.
From a business standpoint, here’s a summary, for example, if you will, of how the Law of Value works:
A bad business provides only the level of food and service necessary to justify what it charges.
A good business provides the highest quality and greatest quantity it can for the price.
A great business strives to provide better service than its customers can pay for.
Think about that for a moment. The same principle could also apply to us in our day to day lives as well by simply leaving people better than we found them.
A relationship could be looked at this way:
A bad relationship offers the bare minimum effort needed to keep it functioning—just enough attention, communication, or care to avoid conflict or separation.
A good relationship gives consistent care, respect, and attention, ensuring both individuals feel valued and supported. It meets the basic expectations of what a healthy relationship should be.
A great relationship goes above and beyond to provide love, support, and connection, exceeding expectations without keeping score. Partners give freely, not out of obligation, but out of a genuine desire to enrich each other’s lives.
Can you see the advantages here?
How many times have we experienced less than stellar customer service these days, or people who simply don’t want to do the job well?
Unfortunately, it’s an all too common problem.
Since Red Dog’s Roofing founded in 2012, we’ve had a strong belief in going above and beyond what was asked of us, and providing the service above what people expect. It’s paid dividends for us in the long run.
Our next steps in guiding the next generation will be even bigger. Do we have to do this? Of course not. We do believe that if we can make the people and communities around us better than we left them, we’re subscribing to the law of value!
Red Dog’s Roofing is a local, community focused roofing company based out of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, who have provided exterior remodeling solutions for generations. Their newest initiative is supplying guidance to the next generation of tradespeople by offering resources, encouragement, and solutions to make them more empowered choices in their careers and in their lives. http://www.reddogsroofing.com
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